SQL: date – time displays, conversions

November 1, 2012

updated 10-28-2019

sql time conversions and functions
functions return values in the connection’s current time zone, which is available as the value of the time_zone system variable. In addition, UNIX_TIMESTAMP() assumes that its argument is a datetime value in the current time zone.

The output of CURRENT_DATE has the format: YYYY-MM-DD
The DATE_FORMAT() function allows you to return a date in a specified format
mysql> SELECT DATE_FORMAT('2009-10-04 22:23:00', '%W %M %Y') ;
result: ‘Sunday October 2009’

the current date and time are evaluated only at the start of the query

A.K.A.: Stay constant throughout the query.
Functions that return the current date or time each are evaluated only once per query at the start of query execution. This means that multiple references to a function such as NOW() within a single query always produce the same result. (For our purposes, a single query also includes a call to a stored program (stored routine, trigger, or event) and all subprograms called by that program.) This principle also applies to CURDATE(), CURTIME(), UTC_DATE(), UTC_TIME(), UTC_TIMESTAMP(), and to any of their synonyms.

“The proper format of a DATE is: YYYY-MM-DD. If you try to enter a date in a format other than the Year-Month-Day format, it might work but it won’t be storing the dates as you expect.”

In order to run a MySQL Insert command and add the current date into your table you can use MySQL’s built-in function CURDATE() in your query.

Unix Time

UNIX TIME: the number of seconds since the first second of the first day of 1970.

example: $start = ‘1234567890’ ;
FROM_UNIXTIME($start) # result: 2009-02-13 21:31:30
FROM_UNIXTIME(0) # result: 1969-12-31 19:00:00 EST = 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(‘2009-02-13 21:31:30’) # result: 1234567890

$start = '1234567890' ; 
                   mysql                         # result
----------------------------------------------   -------------------
SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME($start)                     # 2009-02-13 16:31:30  
SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2009-02-13 16:31:30')     # 1234567890   
SELECT substring(FROM_UNIXTIME($start), 1, 10)   # 2009-02-13         

display a unix timestamped order date

SELECT o.orderid, IF(o.unixtime = 0, 0, FROM_UNIXTIME(o.unixtime) )
FROM orders AS o


For example, to delete time-stamped records older than 10 minutes:

WHERE timestamp < (NOW() - INTERVAL 10 MINUTE)

Or, for deleting records that are over 90 days old:

WHERE timestamp < (NOW() - INTERVAL 90 DAY)

Or, for deleting records that are in the UNIX time format, (ex: timecreated = 1234567890)

DELETE FROM log_table


Display subtotals by date out of a timestamp field   (date_purchased)

SELECT substring(date_purchased, 1, 10) AS saledate,
SUM(order_total) AS subttl
FROM orders
WHERE date_purchased > DATE_SUB( NOW(), INTERVAL 180 DAY )
GROUP BY saledate
HAVING subttl > 3500

note: "DATE_SUB()" is not necessary

then take the sub-totals by day and display the Average sub-total over a month range . . .
like daily subtotals averaged each month - (sorted by date {salemonth} or by sub-total {avettl})

SELECT substring(date_purchased, 1, 7) AS salemonth,
SUM(order_total) /
COUNT(DISTINCT substring(date_purchased, 1, 10)) AS avettl
FROM orders
WHERE date_purchased > NOW() - INTERVAL 5 YEAR
GROUP BY salemonth
ORDER BY salemonth DESC

Display weekly subtotals out of a timestamp field; (Mon --> Sun)
WEEKOFYEAR() generates a number: 1-53   ex:
SELECT WEEKOFYEAR(substring(date_purchased, 1, 10)) AS saleweek,
substring(date_purchased, 1, 10) AS saledate,
SUM(order_total) AS subttl
FROM orders
WHERE date_purchased > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 YEAR
GROUP BY saleweek
ORDER BY saleweek DESC
If you group by WEEKOFYEAR() and display the date purchased (saledate),
you will get the Monday, the first day of the week.


SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2010-01-01'); # 1262322000
SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2011-01-01') - UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2010-01-01') AS 1year ; # 31536000
SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2012-01-15') - UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2012-01-14') AS 1day ; # 86400

86400 seconds = 1 day
3600 seconds = 1 hour




DATE_FORMAT( NOW(), '%m-%d-%Y' ) ex: 02-05-2016

DATE_FORMAT( NOW(), '%b %d %Y %h:%i %p' ) ex: Feb 05 2016 10:35 PM

The MySQL NOW() function returns the current date and time in the configured time zone as a string or a number in the 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:DD' or 'YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.uuuuuu' format.

-- mysql now minus 1 hour
-- mysql now plus 1 hour
NOW() + INTERVAL 1 HOUR AS 'NOW + 1 hour';

-- mysql now minus 1 day
-- mysql now plus 1 day
(NOW() + INTERVAL 1 DAY) AS 'NOW + 1 day';

column in a table:



converting seconds to days, hours, minutes, and seconds

example: to display the difference between 2 ("unix") times as days, hrs, min, and sec

IF((endtime - starttime) >= 86400,
CONCAT( (endtime - starttime) DIV 86400, ' days '), ' '),
IF( MOD(endtime - starttime, 86400) >= 3600,
CONCAT( MOD(endtime - starttime, 86400) DIV 3600, ' hrs '), ' '),
IF( MOD(endtime - starttime, 3600) >= 60,
CONCAT( MOD(endtime - starttime, 3600) DIV 60, ' min ' ), ' '),
IF( MOD(endtime - starttime, 60) > 0 ,
CONCAT( MOD(endtime - starttime, 60), ' sec '), ' ')
) AS timediff,



CASTing Strings to Dates and Strings to Intergers (unsigned)

1.) cast the years as intergers: the year substringed out of the timestamp on the database record (example: 2011-05-05 22:38:19) and compared to a variable

example: $startdate = '01-24-2011' ;

   SELECT *, substring(ts, 1, 10) AS time_stamp 
     FROM user 
    WHERE confirmed=1 AND deleted=0 
      AND CAST(substring(ts, 1, 4) AS UNSIGNED ) >= 
          CAST(substring('$startdate', 7, 4) AS UNSIGNED ) 
 ORDER BY lastname, firstname 

2.) cast the string to a date in the format yyyy-mm-dd - - first, turn around the Startdate (example: 01-25-2011)

$dtarr = explode("-", $Startdate);
$StSqldate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($dtarr[2].'-'.$dtarr[0].'-'.$dtarr[1]) );

   SELECT id, username, lastname, firstname, substring(ts, 1, 10) AS time_stamp  
     FROM user 
    WHERE confirmed=1 AND deleted=0 
      AND CAST(substring(ts, 1, 10) AS DATE ) >= CAST('$StSqldate' AS DATE ) 
 ORDER BY lastname, firstname 



Date - Time Arithmetic

example of displaying a difference in 2 time stamps in hours, minutes, & seconds:

   SELECT  starttime, completed, 
           FROM_UNIXTIME(starttime) AS starttimeYmdHms, 
           FROM_UNIXTIME(completed) AS completedYmdHms, 
           (completed - starttime)  AS secs,
           IF((g.completed - t.starttime) >= 3600, 
               CONCAT( (completed - starttime) DIV 3600, ' hrs '), ' '), 

           IF( MOD(completed - starttime, 3600) >= 60, 
               CONCAT( MOD(completed - starttime, 3600) DIV 60, ' min ' ), ' '), 

           IF( MOD(completed - starttime, 60) > 0 , 
               CONCAT(MOD(completed - starttime, 60), ' sec '), ' ')

                 ) AS hrs-min-secs
 starttime   completed    starttimeYmdHms      completedYmdHms     secs  hrs-min-secs
 1222949590  1222949774  2008-10-02 06:13:10  2008-10-02 06:16:14   184  3 min 4 sec
 1223036960  1223039059  2008-10-03 06:29:20  2008-10-03 07:04:19  2099  34 min 59 sec
 1223039077  1223039656  2008-10-03 07:04:37  2008-10-03 07:14:16   579  9 min 39 sec
 1223154411  1223159710  2008-10-04 15:06:51  2008-10-04 16:35:10  5299  1 hrs 28 min 19 sec
 1223159743  1223160821  2008-10-04 16:35:43  2008-10-04 16:53:41  1078  17 min 58 sec
 1223160835  1223169670  2008-10-04 16:53:55  2008-10-04 19:21:10  8835  2 hrs 27 min 15 sec
 1223169751  1223169910  2008-10-04 19:22:31  2008-10-04 19:25:10   159  2 min 39 sec
 1223170451  1223170558  2008-10-04 19:34:11  2008-10-04 19:35:58   107  1 min 47 sec
 1223170587  1223170646  2008-10-04 19:36:27  2008-10-04 19:37:26    59  59 sec
 1223170652  1223171150  2008-10-04 19:37:32  2008-10-04 19:45:50   498  8 min 18 sec
 1223172315  1223172500  2008-10-04 20:05:15  2008-10-04 20:08:20   185  3 min 5 sec
 1223173091  1223173177  2008-10-04 20:18:11  2008-10-04 20:19:37    86  1 min 26 sec
 1223173260  1223173283  2008-10-04 20:21:00  2008-10-04 20:21:23    23  23 sec

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