SQL: some basic JOIN syntax

November 15, 2012

updated 2019-04-20

INNER JOIN and , (comma) are equivalent in the absence of a join condition
and “JOIN” is defined to be equivalent to an “INNER JOIN”


SELECT * FROM customer AS c,
orders AS o
WHERE c.custkey = o.custkey

or (same):
SELECT * FROM customer AS c
JOIN orders AS o
WHERE c.custkey = o.custkey

or (same):
SELECT * FROM customer AS c
JOIN orders AS o
USING (custkey)

an example of 2 different ways of creating
the exact same OUTER JOIN (Left Join)

"SELECT * FROM categories01 as a
LEFT JOIN categories02 as b
ON a.cat01key = b.cat01key
AND a.level01key = 2
ORDER BY cat01title, cat02title "

or (same result):
"SELECT * FROM categories01 as a
LEFT JOIN categories02 as b
USING (cat01key)
WHERE a.level01key = 2
ORDER BY cat01title, cat02title " ;

NOTE: a LEFT (outer) join will not work as expected if fields in the LEFT JOINed table are included in the WHERE criteria. The results will be the same as a standard (inner) JOIN. Records must be found in both tables.

Here is a select statement to get a little information on an order in the NorthWind database (sample database with MS’s Sequel Server 2000 and 2003). The numbers are rounded to 2 decimals and a tmestamp was added to nwOrders. (the word “AS” (case insensitive) declares that you are renaming the field for this instance, but is not mandatory, just clearer and therefore, recommended)
( $order is a PHP variable whose value will be substituted at runtime )

"SELECT round(D.UnitPrice * Quantity, 2) AS Total,
round(Discount, 2) AS Discount,
round(D.UnitPrice * Quantity -
D.UnitPrice * Quantity * Discount, 2) AS Price,
substring(CAST(O.timestamp AS CHAR), 1, 16) AS date_time
FROM nwCustomers as C,
nwOrders as O,
nwEmployees as E,
nwOrderDetails as D,
nwProducts as P
WHERE O.EmployeeID = E.EmployeeID
AND O.CustomerID = C.CustomerID
AND O.OrderID = D.OrderID
AND D.ProductID = P.ProductID
AND O.OrderID = $order
ORDER BY D.UnitPrice ";

Also, see northwind table examples below:


  to get a count of records by group

[if you need to be more specific about which records,
see “MySQL: Some complex syntax”]

left (outer) join, not all posts have coaches but, some have several :

SELECT *, COUNT(coachkey) as coaches
FROM ALposts AS p
LEFT JOIN ALcoaches AS c
ON p.postnum = c.coALpost
GROUP BY p.postnum
ORDER BY p.poststate, p.postcity

if you just want to see those posts with coaches:
SELECT *, COUNT(coachkey) as coaches
FROM ALposts
ON postnum = coALpost
GROUP BY postnum
HAVING coaches > 0
ORDER BY poststate, postcity

HAVING goes between group by and order by

WHERE filters results before they are grouped (if)
HAVING filters results after they are grouped

SELECT COUNT(*) count, plpostteam
FROM ALplayers
WHERE count > 10
<-------- error
GROUP BY plpostteam
ORDER BY count

SELECT COUNT(*) count, plpostteam
FROM ALplayers
GROUP BY plpostteam
HAVING count > 10
<-------- correct
ORDER BY count


When grouping, “order by” takes effect after the grouping has been done and within any group, the first, oldest, record is taken and it goes on to find the next group.
If you want a specific record within a group other than the first (oldest) you will have to order the records before arriving at the “GROUP BY” statement.
For instance, if you want the last (most recent) record,
from a table “customers” where “id” is the auto-incremented key and there is “name” field you want to group by
your query might look like this:

select * from (select * from customers ORDER BY id DESC) AS x GROUP BY name

When column1 < 0 Then column2

When column1 = 0 Then column3

When column1 > 0 Then column2 + column3
Else column3 End

fields: a, b, c : select the largest
WHEN a > b
AND a > c
WHEN b > a
AND b > c
ELSE c END AS largest_abc

SELECT * FROM `mdl_lesson`
WHERE ts > '2013-10-11 00:00:00'
AND courseid IN (614, 616, 2062, 1392, ...)


  get a record count for each dept.:

SELECT location,
SUM(IF(dept = "Development", 1,0)) AS `Development` ,
SUM(IF(dept = "Personnel", 1,0)) AS `Personnel`,
SUM(IF(dept = "Research", 1,0)) AS `Research`,
SUM(IF(dept = "Sales", 1,0)) AS `Sales`,
SUM(IF(dept = "Training", 1,0)) AS `Training`,
COUNT(*) AS total
FROM locations INNER JOIN employees USING (loc_code)
INNER JOIN departments USING (dept_code)
GROUP BY location;

order by ... the timestamp field which is more current, with the most current on top:
ORDER BY IF(u.timestamp1 > u.timestamp2, u.timestamp1, u.timestamp2 ) DESC,

left join
to get those which have no matching record then,
WHERE h.orderid IS NULL
to get ONLY those with no matching record ... to get the "orphaned" records

 SELECT * FROM ordline AS l
     LEFT JOIN ordhead AS h
         USING ( orderid )
         WHERE h.total IS NULL 
 SELECT * FROM ordline AS l
     LEFT JOIN ordhead AS h
            ON l.orderid = h.orderid
         WHERE h.total IS NULL 

Finding Duplicates: (1st, match on 1st initial and last name)

   SELECT  COUNT(*) as count, plNamef, plNamel, 
           concat(substring(p1.plNamef, 1, 1), p1.plNamel) as ckname,
           plpaddress, plplyrid  
     FROM  ALplayers 
    WHERE  plgameyear = '2006'
 GROUP BY  ckname
   HAVING  count > 1  
 ORDER BY  ckname

to see more
  1st way: join table to itself.

   SELECT  DISTINCT p1.plplyrkey, p1.plplyrid, p1.plNamef, p1.plNamel, 
           concat(substring(p1.plNamef, 1, 1), p1.plNamel) as ckname,
           p1.plpaddress, p1.plschlkey, p1.plpostteam
     FROM  ALplayers as p1
     JOIN  ALplayers as p2
    WHERE  p1.plgameyear = '2006'
      AND  p2.plgameyear = '2006'
      AND  concat(substring(p1.plNamef, 1, 1), p1.plNamel) = 
           concat(substring(p2.plNamef, 1, 1), p2.plNamel)
      AND  p1.plplyrid <> p2.plplyrid  
 ORDER BY  ckname

[ != will often work for <> but is not an ISO standard ]

--- ahha, 3 of the 7 are brothers or cousins with the same 1st initial.

to see those people again:
  2nd way: sub-query. (see sub-query topic)

   SELECT  p1.plplyrkey, p1.plplyrid, p1.plNamef, p1.plNamel, 
           concat(substring(p1.plNamef, 1, 1), p1.plNamel) as ckname,
           p1.plpaddress, p1.plschlkey, p1.plpostteam
     FROM  ALplayers as p1
    WHERE  p1.plgameyear = '2006'
    HAVING  ckname  IN
          (SELECT  concat(substring(p2.plNamef, 1, 1), p2.plNamel) as p2ckname
             FROM  ALplayers as p2
            WHERE  p2.plgameyear = '2006'
         GROUP BY  p2ckname
           HAVING  count(*) > 1 ) 
   ORDER BY  ckname

WHERE filters results before they are grouped (if)
HAVING filters results after they are grouped

now, to see those who played in 2006 & 2007:

   SELECT  p1.plplyrid, p1.plNamef, p1.plNamel
     FROM  ALplayers as p1
     JOIN  ALplayers as p2
    WHERE  p1.plgameyear = '2006'
      AND  p2.plgameyear = '2007'
      AND  p1.plnamef = p2.plnamef
      AND  p1.plnamel = p2.plnamel
 ORDER BY  p1.plnamel, p1.plnamef

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