how to boot up Fedora (any linux) without password prompting

April 26, 2012

updated 2021-10-19

If you always turn on your personal computer and “boot up” in Fedora 11-34 with the same user-id and don’t want the computer stopping at your user-id and password prompt every time, then, open a terminal session and edit
/etc/gdm/custom.conf as root.

You can insert 2 lines under the heading [daemon]

AutomaticLogin=[user] <-- your user-id example:

<-- use your user-id

Alternately, go to
System Settings -> Login Window -> Users -> Automatic login ->

on Debian and Ubuntu, you can go to
Systems -> Administration -> Login Window (in any x-window system look around for “Login Window”),

you will be prompted for the administrator password, enter it and then select Security tab, once in there select Enable automatic login and select the user you want to be automatically logged in, each time you turn on your PC.

Keep in mind, you do this at home, not at work. It should not need to be said that at work, you can’t know who might mess with your computer when you are not around .. unless you have your own office you always lock when you leave and not even cleaning crews, or their friends, get in.

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