how to copy files on a Linux server to windows

March 9, 2021

how to copy files from linux to windows
copy file from linux to windows using ssh
copy file from remote server to local machine windows
If your local OS is Windows, then you should use pscp.exe utility.

go to and download the 64 bit pscp.exe
it should end up in your Downloads directory as usual.

if you [user1] are going to copy a lot of files, create a directory [in your windows Desktop directory?] to hold them all.
example: create a directory called user2 [whatever]

C:\Users\user1> Downloads\pscp.exe user2@111.222.333.444:/home/user2/Desktop/* Desktop\user2

where 111.222.333.444 is the IP address of the remote server … instead, you can use the remote server’s name ex:

example2: …pscp.exe -P port user2…
use the “-P port” parameter where “port” is the port number if it is not the default [22].

C:\Users\user1> Downloads\pscp -pw password root@….
use the -pw parameter if you do not want to be prompted for it interactively

PS: I have tried to use xcopy and robocopy. Neither one worked.
I considered acrosync and rsync

I considered WinSCP but:
“WinSCP tends to freeze up for directories with a lot of files” – CaioIgnm Aug 18 2020

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