Tesla Roadster for 2022(?), Fastest Road Car Ever!: 0-60 in 1.9 sec., Top Speed: 250 mph!

updated 2020-06-24 It’ll be the fastest production car ever made. Period. – Musk “performance figures unmatched in the history of street legal sports cars.” 0 to 60 in 1.9 seconds! Top speed: 250 mph! Range 620 miles on a charge! Tesla.com/roadster: 0 to 60: 1.9 seconds 0-100 mph: 4.2 sec 1/4 mile: 8.8 sec Top speed: Over 250 mph Range: 16 years! on a charge Price: $250,000   5-11-2020; ROCKET. . . CONTINUE

Run Your Car On Vapors

running on fumes

first posted 03-03-2014 Get a bottle and some hose and discover How to run your vehicle on gasoline fumes. Good clear Videos showing how easy it is for your car to get 100 miles per gallon and much more, have started appearing since 2012 or 2013. Finally, we can start experimenting with the simplest cheap parts and tools and get fantastic results! A simple vaporizer system. a.k.a. GasFumes.org   GasolineFumes.org. . . CONTINUE


MSNBC “The Republicans’ plans: revenge. using the federal government to punish critics and opponents” “iF …I see somebody who’s doing well and beating me very badly, I say ‘Go down and indict them.’ They’d be out of business, they’d be out of the election.” [Trump’s dictatorship will be permanent!] [Trump] “is practically bragging about his intentions — and not just in this week’s interview.” Trump has been planning to lock. . . CONTINUE

The Age of Aquarius

1st posted 04-07-2012 – updated 2022-12-26 “Based on talks with actual engineers that work at Ford and GM, these two companies have actively discouraged any improvements in fuel efficiencies. Engineers would be threatened if they were caught tinkering with the computer systems or searching for ways to make the car engines run more efficiently.” … “CAFE standards were implemented in 1978 to force automakers to produce cars that get better. . . CONTINUE

New Electric Cars Coming Soon

22022-09-22 By Consumer Reports Updated September 9, 2022 dozens of pure electric models are set to debut by the end of 2024. Headlines: Jaguar Goes Fully Electric in 2025 Ford to go all electric in Europe by 2030 as emissions mandates tighten Norway wants to prohibit the sale of new petrol and diesel cars as early as 2025. Britain, Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands have similar plans for 2030. Japan. . . CONTINUE

2021 Tesla Model S Plaid: 2.1 seconds


“2nd fastest car of the decade” – Car and Driver mag. “The Model S Plaid ripped to 60 mph in 2.1 seconds and hit the quarter-mile in 9.4, — just as quickly as the $3.7 million Bugatti Chiron Sport.” 1/4-Mile: 9.4 sec @ 151 mph Tested date: December 2021 Price as tested: $137,440 (Base price: $131,440) “Basically, our product plan is stolen from Spaceballs,” Tesla CEO Elon Musk said with. . . CONTINUE

Republicans openly embrace violent fascism

2021-11-15 Both Bannon and Meadows are clearly at the center of what is an insurrectionist conspiracy directed by Trump. January 6 appears to be “an inside game and an outside game,” with the former focused on pressuring then-Vice President Mike “Pence steal the election procedurally” and the latter on using the violent mob “to terrorize potentially recalcitrant GOP reps into going along with the theft.” New reporting shows the extent. . . CONTINUE

Automakers Plans for Adding More Electric Cars

April 26, 2021 First, note that Tesla has sold over 65,000 electric cars in the first quarter of this year. Mercedes-Benz USA Is to introduce 10 new EV models by 2022. Mercedes says the U.S. market can expect to see the EQS, an electric version of its opulent flagship S-Class sedan, in fall 2021. The EQS, which will be the first Mercedes EV in the U.S. when it goes on. . . CONTINUE

GM Battery Capacity Twice as Big as Tesla’s

Mar 4, 2020 A massive 200.0-kWh battery for its GMC Hummer. – a range of up to 400 miles or more. At an “EV Day” in Detroit, General Motors gave details of several new EVs and the battery technology they’ll use. GM divulged sizes and prices of batteries that would make them some of the most competitive products available in both range and price. The battery tech, under the brand. . . CONTINUE

Russia behind spread of virus disinformation & physical conflict

Apr 30, 2019 Russia sets up confrontations hoping for violence Women’s Health & Reproductive Rights (WHARR), [showed up for] an event they’d seen posted online, co-sponsored by the local Women’s March Alliance and an organization called the Resisters, which touted itself as being dedicated to “feminist activism against fascism.” It seemed like a good opportunity for WHARR at the time: Here was an event to promote women’s reproductive rights, held. . . CONTINUE

Ford to go all electric in Europe by 2030, as emissions mandates tighten

Ford expects to have the first all-electric model designed specifically for European customers roll out of the new Cologne facility in 2023. The announcement comes just weeks after Ford said it would double its investment in electric powertrains and vehicles to $22 billion by 2025. That will include the $1 billion the company will spend on a new EV manufacturing center in Cologne, Germany. “We successfully restructured Ford of Europe. . . CONTINUE

Jaguar to be an all-electric carmaker by 2025

British automaker Jaguar Land Rover said its Jaguar marque will become an all-electric luxury brand starting in 2025. (Late last year, the U.K. announced a plan to ban the sale of new gasoline and diesel vehicles by the year 2030.) “By the middle of the decade, Jaguar will have undergone a renaissance to emerge as a pure electric luxury brand with a dramatically beautiful new portfolio of emotionally engaging designs. . . CONTINUE

GM to sell only electric vehicles in the U.S. by 2035

Under Trump GM backed a Republican legal battle that could have neutered California’s longstanding right to set its own tougher carbon-emission rules. About two weeks after Trump lost, GM withdrew from that fight and two weeks after he left office, it pledged to match the state’s mandate to sell only electric vehicles starting in 2035 – and do that all across the U.S. Why the turnaround? Barra is getting a. . . CONTINUE

General Motors to release 30 new EVs globally by 2025

GM “aspires” to exclusively offer electric vehicles by 2035, ending production of its cars, trucks and SUVs with diesel- and gasoline-powered engines. The company’s “aspirations” are part of a larger plan for the Detroit automaker to be carbon neutral by 2040 in its global products and operations. GM’s plan comes a day after President Joe Biden signed a series of executive orders that prioritize climate change. The company plans to. . . CONTINUE

Wednesday, Jan. 6th: Trump’s Insurrection-Attack on Washington DC; Congress

George W. Bush: “I am appalled by the reckless behavior of some political leaders since the election and by the lack of respect shown today for our institutions, our traditions, and our law enforcement,” Bush said in a statement. “The violent assault on the Capitol – and disruption of a Constitutionally-mandated meeting of Congress – was undertaken by people whose passions have been inflamed by falsehoods and false hopes.” President. . . CONTINUE

Japan to Ban Sales of Gas-Powered Vehicles by 2035

Dec 28, 2020 Japan has announced plans to halt the sale of vehicles relying solely on internal combustion engines after 2035. The move means the Asian nation will join a growing list of countries planning to phase out vehicles powered by gas or diesel, including both the United Kingdom and Norway. A number of other countries, including France and Germany, are considering similar bans. Vehicles with internal combustion engines won’t. . . CONTINUE

EUROPE: 30 million electric cars [and boats] by 2030

12-04-2020 The European Union will aim to have at least 30 million zero-emission vehicles on its roads by 2030 In a strategy due to be published next week, the European Commission will lay out measures to tackle the quarter of EU greenhouse gas emissions that come from the transport sector. “The EU’s goal of climate neutrality by 2050 cannot be reached without introducing very ambitious measures to reduce transport’s reliance. . . CONTINUE

Britain to Ban Sale of All New Gas and Diesel Cars by 2030

Nov. 18 2020 10 years ahead of original plan. The United Kingdom will bar the sale of all new gas and diesel-powered vehicles starting in 2030, the government of Prime Minister Boris Johnson moving up an earlier ban by a decade. As part of Britain’s new “green industrial revolution,” the sale of hybrid vehicles also will be outlawed by 2035. The formal decision to shift to zero-emission powertrain technology comes. . . CONTINUE

Voting Machine FRAUD and Voter SUPPRESSION: little government regulation and almost no oversight.

updated 1-12-2021. Trump: “They had things, levels of voting that if you’d ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again,” Republicans have to cheat to win; ES&S machines, voter suppression, DeJoy’s postal hijinks, Russian interference & Trump… The Numbers Behind Mitch McConnell’s Re-Election Don’t Add Up: Mitch McConnell   and   ES&S 12-19-2020 Senator Mitch McConnell’s approval rating was 39% on the eve of. . . CONTINUE

tRump, traitor, giving national security secrets to the Russians: TRE45ON

Trump does not care that Putin put a bounty on our soldiers heads! Trump is the #1 biggest, most dangerous, informant to the Communists. Trump discussed highly classified intelligence with Russia’s Foreign Minister. The disclosure to the Russians by the President, prompted intelligence officials to renew earlier discussions about the potential risk of exposure. According to CNN’s sources, the spy had access to Putin and could even provide images of. . . CONTINUE

Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’

When President Donald Trump canceled a visit to the American Cemetery near Paris in 2018, according to four people with firsthand knowledge: Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” … on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed. Belleau Wood is a consequential battle in American history, and. . . CONTINUE

Republicans: Health Ins. Only For The Wealthy & No Soc. Sec.

JULY 28, 2020: GOP slips an attack on Social Security into its coronavirus relief bill. The GOP’s HEALS Act would fast-track Social Security and Medicare CUTS … using secret, closed-door panels to dramatically undo these earned benefits. May 13, 2020: Trump campaigned in 2016 that he would never cut soc.sec. and he would make health care universal. But even before he became president, his aides assured anyone who would listen. . . CONTINUE

Republican Party: Dictatorship of the wealthy; End of Democracy

updated 2020-08-12 President Donald Trump once again openly admitted that increasing access to the ballot poses a dire threat to the Republican Party’s ability to win elections. “Trump and his Republican administration is sabotaging the election through his continued politicization of the postal service.” Stopping funds for USPS and mail-in voting, Trump said, “means you can’t have universal mail-in voting because they’re not equipped to have it.” “Trump again brags. . . CONTINUE

Many more Americans will die because of Republican and tRump denial and obstruction

updated 08-31-2020. “People are unable to find testing sites, and are avoiding treatment because they can’t afford it. Hospitalized Covid patients worry about their medical bills instead of their recovery.” The Republican-Trump “fragmented U.S. health care system has hampered efforts to expand coronavirus testing, … traced to the botched rollout by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the tardy response by the Food and Drug Administration, and supply shortages. . . CONTINUE

tRump “Lava Level Mad” and started requiring masks and daily TESTING!

Thurs. May 7th 2020 “Trump … tested negative for COVID-19, but Trump was still “lava level mad” he came even close to contracting it” … HYPOCRITE that he cares about no one else! … “Trump became ‘lava level mad’ at his staff and said he doesn’t feel it is doing all it can to protect him, according to a person close to the White House. [masks and testing is VERY. . . CONTINUE

tRump and his Republican administration are DELIBERATELY DISRUPTING, blocking, efforts to fight the coronavirus!

updated 5-12-2020 FEMA seized 400,000 N95 masks from Delaware medical supplier; now he’s out millions of dollars George Gianforcaro, owner of the small, Newark, Delaware-based Indutex USA, said the Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA] did not pay him when it took possession of two imported shipments of masks bound for customers across the United States. Those customers included Delaware nursing facilities and the state of Michigan. …amid FEMA denials, Gianforcaro. . . CONTINUE

NASA: There is life on Mars – and humanity isn’t prepared for it.

updated 06-12-2020 NASA scientist says “we’re close” to huge revelation about life on Mars – and humanity “isn’t prepared” for it. November 20, 2019 NASA’s Curiosity Rover Finds Unexplained Oxygen on Mars Fluctuating levels of the atmospheric gas, a potential tracer of alien life, have left researchers mystified Curiosity’s instruments also registered atmospheric oxygen rising and falling at similar times but in amounts that defy easy explanation. There was far. . . CONTINUE

US Navy Releases Official UFO Videos

“This acknowledgment by the Navy is unprecedented,” The image is not big news, the US Navy official, historically contradictory, declaration is. “We knew through the grapevine that pilots weren’t supposed to talk about UFOs” the video from 2004 from the Nimitz was widely shared throughout the ship at the time and was posted online by a crew member in 2007. The online post came to the attention of Navy officials. . . CONTINUE

Everybody in the White House Considers Trump an Idiot

updated 2022-01-12 . . . and all Republicans in congress! Trump’s former secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, described him as a “fucking moron,” a fact that has been reported previously. Chief of Staff John Kelly has called Trump an idiot and also crazy: “He’s an idiot. It’s pointless to try to convince him of anything. He’s gone off the rails. We’re in crazytown,” After security officials tried fruitlessly to explain. . . CONTINUE

Republican tax bill for the RICH, & kill health care, cut medicare & soc.sec.

updated 05-23-2020 The excuse the Republicans need to cut all services and support to everyone but the rich: healthcare, medicare, social security, and more. The GOP’s debt concerns were pure fraud. The full cost of the law is now estimated at $1.9 trillion by the Congressional Budget Office – above the legal 1.5 limit. and it actually encourages offshoring of American jobs. Republican leaders plan to tackle the increasing deficit. . . CONTINUE

4 Severely Ill Migrant Toddlers Hospitalized, Most Traumatized

updated 11/06/2019 Remember “the good Samaritan”. Jesus said “Go and do likewise.” – and Jesus parable of the Day of Judgement: “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these my brethren, you did for me.” “…countless stories of the rape, torture and murder that forced them to flee their home countries.” “the effects of detention are uniquely traumatizing for children and can cause irreparable,. . . CONTINUE

The Pole Shift has accelerated

first published on: Jun 4, 2013 updated 2015-11-03 Earth’s Magnetic North Pole Keeps Moving Towards Siberia at a Mysteriously Fast Pace PETER DOCKRILL, 2019-12-18 That slow wander has quickened of late. In recent decades, the magnetic north pole accelerated to an average speed of 55 kilometres (34 miles) per year. The most recent data suggest its movement towards Russia may have slowed down to about 40 kilometres (25 miles) annually,. . . CONTINUE

Republicans: health care is for the rich, no subsidies, no Insulin

updated 2020-05-22 Republicans in Trump’s White House: “no justification in continuing the subsidies.” The cuts in subsidies may actually hit the middle class the most. there are around 3 million people who are uninsured because they don’t live in states that didn’t expand Medicaid, President Trump has called the subsidies a “bailout” for the insurance industry. The number of Americans without health insurance increased again in 2018, the second consecutive. . . CONTINUE

Drug makers inflated prices over 1,000%

SAT, MAY 11 2019: Soaring drug prices from both branded and generic manufacturers have sparked outrage and investigations in the United States. 44 U.S. states filed a lawsuit against Teva Pharmaceuticals USA for orchestrating a sweeping scheme with 19 other drug companies to inflate drug prices — sometimes by more than 1,000% — and stifle competition for generic drugs, state prosecutors said on Saturday. Republicans protecting the guilty! House Republicans. . . CONTINUE

Nazi Germany, WWII Flying Saucers

first posted 02-12-2012 The Nazi Flying Saucer Program “the US military was justifiably alarmed about the Nazi development of fighter discs … that could hover, fly at supersonic speeds, and change direction instantly. German aeronautical engineers were working on discs beginning in 1933, and by 1945 they had developed a highly sophisticated circular craft that was able to fly at very high altitudes and with incredible speed using electromagnetic propulsion. . . CONTINUE

Trump: ‘I Won’t Be Here’ When National Debt Explodes

Dec 5, 2018 Aides and advisers have tried convincing him how important managing the debt is, but those words have allegedly fallen on deaf ears. … Sources close to Trump say he has repeatedly shrugged it off, … because he won’t be around to shoulder the blame when it becomes even more untenable. … in early 2017 … “Yeah, but I won’t be here,” the president bluntly said, according to. . . CONTINUE

Global Warming is real and going to court

updated 11-06-2018 “Big oil knew for decades …” yet lied and bought politicians (who appointed “business friendly” judges). Now cities and states are going to court. “ExxonMobil’s conduct – promoting uncertainty about climate science it knew to be accurate” Nov 6, 2018 Fossil Fuels on Trial, Major Climate Change Lawsuits: fraud investigations From a trove of internal Exxon documents, a narrative emerged in 2015 that put a spotlight on the. . . CONTINUE