Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’

When President Donald Trump canceled a visit to the American Cemetery near Paris in 2018, according to four people with firsthand knowledge: Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” … on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed. Belleau Wood is a consequential battle in American history, and. . . CONTINUE

tRump “Lava Level Mad” and started requiring masks and daily TESTING!

Thurs. May 7th 2020 “Trump … tested negative for COVID-19, but Trump was still “lava level mad” he came even close to contracting it” … HYPOCRITE that he cares about no one else! … “Trump became ‘lava level mad’ at his staff and said he doesn’t feel it is doing all it can to protect him, according to a person close to the White House. [masks and testing is VERY. . . CONTINUE

Tesla Roadster was for 2022, now unk.: Fastest Road Car Ever: 0-60 in 1.9 sec.

Published on: Sep 7, 2018 updated 2020-06-24 It’ll be the fastest production car ever made. Period. – Musk “performance figures unmatched in the history of street legal sports cars.” 0 to 60 in 1.9 seconds! Top speed: 250 mph! Range 620 miles on a charge! 0 to 60: 1.9 seconds 0-100 mph: 4.2 sec 1/4 mile: 8.8 sec Top speed: Over 250 mph Range: 16 years! on a charge. . . CONTINUE

US Navy Releases Official UFO Videos

“This acknowledgment by the Navy is unprecedented,” The image is not big news, the US Navy official, historically contradictory, declaration is. “We knew through the grapevine that pilots weren’t supposed to talk about UFOs” the video from 2004 from the Nimitz was widely shared throughout the ship at the time and was posted online by a crew member in 2007. The online post came to the attention of Navy officials. . . CONTINUE

Republicans: health care is for the rich, no subsidies, no Insulin

updated 2020-05-22 Republicans in Trump’s White House: “no justification in continuing the subsidies.” The cuts in subsidies may actually hit the middle class the most. there are around 3 million people who are uninsured because they don’t live in states that didn’t expand Medicaid, President Trump has called the subsidies a “bailout” for the insurance industry. The number of Americans without health insurance increased again in 2018, the second consecutive. . . CONTINUE

Drug makers inflated prices over 1,000%

SAT, MAY 11 2019: Soaring drug prices from both branded and generic manufacturers have sparked outrage and investigations in the United States. 44 U.S. states filed a lawsuit against Teva Pharmaceuticals USA for orchestrating a sweeping scheme with 19 other drug companies to inflate drug prices — sometimes by more than 1,000% — and stifle competition for generic drugs, state prosecutors said on Saturday. Republicans protecting the guilty! House Republicans. . . CONTINUE

Electric Buses will soon be Hurting the Oil Industry

April 28, 2018; About 280,000 barrels a day of fuel won’t be needed this year. China adds a London-sized electric bus fleet every five weeks. Hybrids and electrics to hit 22 percent of all buses by 2021. {Freedonia Group est.} Electric bus company Proterra predicted that, in the US alone, electric buses will represent a third of all new transit sales by 2020, 50 percent by 2025, With China leading. . . CONTINUE

Tesla to build 18 wheeler semi-trucks, 400+ already reserved!

“Tesla, Elon Musk, may again be the most powerful motivator that initiates significant, fundamental, change toward reducing our man-made global warming activities.” Tesla’s recently unveiled semi-truck is aimed at the segment of the market that will [otherwise] likely be the slowest to transition to electric drivetrains. Constraints on price, range and payload capacity suggest the long-haul market may [without Tesla] be the last to embrace electric trucks, after urban freight,. . . CONTINUE

Standing Up To Super Polluters

Updated Oct 24, 2017 “In 2015, diseases caused by air, water and soil pollution were responsible for 9 million premature deaths, that is 16% of all global death. Exposures to contaminated air, water and soil kill more people than smoking, hunger, natural disasters, war, AIDS, or malaria.” The global financial costs of pollution are huge, totaling “$4.6 trillion per year, 6.2% of global economic output”. The study reported that in. . . CONTINUE

The Tesla Model 3

updated Oct 01, 2019 5 features that make the Tesla Model 3 worth considering Inside the steel and aluminum body of the battery-powered car are five features you won’t want to miss. 1. Self-driving capabilities Last year, Tesla introduced a new hardware collection, dubbed Autopilot, in the current models. This hardware includes eight cameras, a radar unit, a set of all-around-the-car ultrasonic sensors, and an Nvidia Drive PX2 computer. Each. . . CONTINUE

Now, Florida floods even without a storm or hurricane!

Intensified by Climate Change, ‘King Tides’ Change Ways of Life in Florida from the N.Y. Times – By LIZETTE ALVAREZ and FRANCES ROBLES – NOV. 17, 2016 On Monday morning, shortly after November’s so-called supermoon dropped from view on Mola Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale … Seawater gurgled audibly up through manhole covers and seeped from the grass. Under a sunny sky, the water drowned docks and slid over low sea walls.. . . CONTINUE

Arctic: Warmest in 2,000 years

Thursday, 3 September 2009, By Richard Black, Environment correspondent, BBC News website Arctic temperatures are now warmer than at any time in the last 2,000 years, research reveals. Changes to the Earth’s orbit drove centuries of cooling, but temperatures rose fast in the last 100 years as human greenhouse gas emissions rose. The result is a “hockey stick”-like sudden 90 degree turn, in which the last decade – 1998-2008 –. . . CONTINUE

Our Coral Reefs; The High Cost of fossil fuels!

Wednesday, 2 September 2009 By Richard Black, Environment correspondent, BBC News Coral reefs do more than look pretty – they are nurseries for many fish [Carnegie Institution’s Department of Global Ecology says that by 2050, 98 percent of today’s coral reefs will be in waters too acidic to support their growth.] Current climate targets are not enough to save the world’s coral reefs – and policymakers urgently need to consider. . . CONTINUE