World’s Lightest Metal

Scientists Develop World’s Lightest Metal, 100x Lighter than Styrofoam by Brit Liggett, 11/20/11 This, we assure you, is a real photograph. Researchers at the University of California Irvine have developed a metal micro-lattice that is as strong as solid metal yet 100 times lighter than Styrofoam. The material is constructed from a micro-lattice of nickel phosphorous tubes that is 99.9% air. The tubes are hollow and have walls 1,000 times. . . CONTINUE

EPA finally acts on 21 year old Coal law

By Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY 12/21/2011 The Environmental Protection Agency released far-reaching air pollution regulations Wednesday, 21 years after they were first mandated by Congress and six days after they were signed by the agency. The rules require coal- and oil-fired power plants to lower emissions of 84 different toxic chemicals to levels no higher than those emitted by the cleanest 12% of plants. Companies have three years to achieve. . . CONTINUE

Republican assault on our environmental laws

Americans must once again stand up for their right to clean air and clean water. Los Angeles Times, Lisa P. Jackson, Oct. 21 2011 Since the beginning of this year, Republicans in the House have averaged roughly a vote every day the chamber has been in session to undermine the Environmental Protection Agency and our nation’s environmental laws. They have picked up the pace recently – just last week they. . . CONTINUE

Strip Mining Coal vs. Health and Jobs

the devastating economic costs and mounting humanitarian crisis related to reckless mountaintop removal operations Jeff Biggers, September 26, 2011; 2009 North American Goldman Prize Winner Maria Gunnoe testified. “Jobs in surface mining are dependent on blowing up the next mountain and burying the next stream. When are we going to say enough is enough? In truth, thanks to the heavily mechanization of strip-mining and shift to Powder River Basin. . . CONTINUE

Smart Forvision Electric Car Set For Frankfurt

Daimler subsidiary Smart is releasing performance details of its latest electric vehicle concept called the Forvision in preparation for the Frankfurt Motor Show 2011. We’ve covered other of Smart’s electric vehicles, including the Forspeed that was unveiled earlier this year at the Geneva Auto Show, and the manufacturer’s Fortwo models that have only recently come to United States. The Smart Forvision is made of a variety of energy saving features,. . . CONTINUE

Wind Power Cheaper Than Nuclear, soon

August 31st, 2011 After the damage caused by the Fukushima disaster, it only makes sense that Japan turn its resources to trying to find another efficient form of clean energy besides nuclear. Research into wind turbine development may have lead to a solution with stunning potential. Wind lenses, rings that go around the outside of a turbine’s blades, can double or even triple the turbine’s power output, bringing wind farms. . . CONTINUE

The Am. Revolution, to protect the tea smugglers

Ideas & Discoveries, Oct. 2011, 8-20-2011 Today oil co’s deny global warming despite all the undeniable, overwhelming, evidence, and Ins. co’s fight health care reform at their own peril. Recent wars have been fought more for oil profits than for human rights so why are we so surprised to learn that even the Am. Revolution may have been started by American tea smugglers and their “bought and paid for” politicians.. . . CONTINUE

Mass extinction threat “significant” in oceans

June 21, 2011 12:08 AM (CBS News) The threats of over-fishing and to the world’s fragile coral reefs have long been well documented, but now a panel of scientists say the threats to marine life are far worse than previously imagined. Dr. Alex Rogers, scientific director of IPSO, said in a press release: “The findings are shocking. As we considered the cumulative effect of what humankind does to the ocean. . . CONTINUE

Gulf Coast: “Things just started coming out of my skin”

Many are experiencing serious physical and mental health problems. … … problems faced by Gulf Coast residents aren’t resonating in Washington… all persons tested showed significant amounts of oil related toxins in their systems. Residents at Feinberg meeting: “LIE! LIE! You are such a lying piece of s**t” while talking about health problems Kids feeling impact of oil spill – and situation is getting worse (VIDEO) Oil Spill Victim: Things. . . CONTINUE

Southern Calif. nuclear plant’s safety questioned

History of safety concerns and alleged stifling of whistle-blowers raises questions about plant that’s just five miles from an earthquake fault (CBS News) “Japan is an exact, perfect example of what can happen. We are less than two miles away, and we’re scared.” said resident Dagmar Foy. The crisis unfolding in Japan has put a spotlight on nuclear safety in the United States. Yet at a Senate hearing Tuesday, a. . . CONTINUE

U.S. Solar Industry Has Record-Breaking Year in 2010

March 11, 2011, by Nathanael Baker A new industry report conducted by the Solar Energy Industries Association and GTM Research highlights record-breaking growth for the United States’ solar power industry in 2010. According to the U.S. Solar Market InsightTM: Year-In-Review 2010 [pdf], the industry’s total value grew 67% from US$3.6 billion to US$6.0 billion last year.  This growth made solar the fastest growing sector of the energy industry, and a pace-setter. . . CONTINUE

EPA to propose court-ordered controls on toxic air pollution

Greenwire, 03/09/201 Gabriel Nelson, E&E reporter AIR POLLUTION: Health groups gird for fight over EPA’s power-plant toxics rules. With the Obama administration required to put its plan for reducing toxic air pollution from coal-fired power plants on the table a week from today, the American Lung Association and other public health groups have started an early push to explain why U.S. EPA shouldn’t flinch on the long-delayed rules. EPA Administrator. . . CONTINUE

EPA not protecting citizens in the Gulf Charles & John – 2 More Members of the “General Public” With High Toxins in Blood Work & Severe Illnesses Mississippi man’s blood tests show extremely high Xylene, Ethylbenzene – Now passing out for an hour at a time Wednesday, March 2, 2011 at 11:47pm Charles and John are two Mississippi residents who have not been feeling well. Upon investigation, they both decided to have their blood tested for. . . CONTINUE