EPA not protecting citizens in the Gulf

Charles & John – 2 More Members of the “General Public” With High Toxins in Blood Work & Severe Illnesses
Mississippi man’s blood tests show extremely high Xylene, Ethylbenzene – Now passing out for an hour at a time
Wednesday, March 2, 2011 at 11:47pm

Charles and John are two Mississippi residents who have not been feeling well. Upon investigation, they both decided to have their blood tested for Volatile Organic Components (VOC’s) to see if they had perhaps been suffering from exposure to the oil and/or chemical dispersant used during the BP Gulf Disaster.

Their story brings to light a new angle, which upon additional research, I can find no data to support whether or not testing has been done to verify and/or certify that the public health has been protected by the agencies charged with such responsibility. Here is the email I received from Charles:


The first picture is my test results, the second, my friend’s test results. Special note is that he works from his home and does not get out on the roads inhaling car exhaust as has been suggested.

We are both just the general public. We had no part in the cleanup or Vessels of Opportunity program. I work as a refrigeration tech and do not get exposed to chemicals. I’m a professional and have been for the last 15 years. I do not vent freon, do not touch the oil, and if something is leaking freon when I get there, I don’t go near it without a respirator! I’m not stupid! I do not smoke and neither does my friend. When I gas up, it’s been my habit for the last 15 years to stay inside the truck with the windows up until it clicks. Then I’m off on my way driving down the road with the RECIRC on not pulling in outside air. I drink about 2 Gallons of reverse osmosis water I make at home everyday. I’ve tried detox kits from the store and still I have detectable levels in my blood?

Judging by how low looking the numbers are and only testing for a few is it safe to think I’m going to be OK?

My friend’s results are higher what does this mean for him?

We feel we were exposed in different ways. First I ate a lot of seafood, always have and developed nonstop bloody diarrhea for almost 2 months so bad I was admitted to the hospital last summer for dehydration and anemia. It was determined by colonoscopy that my old enemy, Crohn’s Disease was the culprit and yet it had been in remission for the last 23 years with only mild problems that i could always rest for a day and go back to work the next. This time I was brought to the edge. I had very bad mental issues at that time from the stress of it all and at times thought it would be better to be dead. We were also breathing the fumes coming off the beach; our house is only half mile straight shot to the beach. It was so bad for days at a time that we could have thought we were living next door to a truck stop!

Just last month, I suddenly developed pneumonia. It was very strange because it came on with no symptoms except I simply could not breathe. I was put on antibiotics and prednisone that did not help. I still don’t feel well and have cognitive problems sometimes, especially talking to people now. I am also having problems staying balanced and often bump into things now.

My friend’s exposure is multifaceted as well. He lives about 10 miles from the beach and he was also smelling the strong fumes for days at a time. He also went out in the water in his boat where he was told it was safe to do so. He went out several times, but hasn’t lately. Also he learned that all the contaminated tar patty sand that was being picked up off the beach was being put in the landfill only 1-2 miles away from his house. He would often smell the fumes and still does every now and then long after we stopped smelling the fumes. I told him I would be worried about my well water and have it tested too. We don’t know of anybody testing the water yet.

My friend is having serious health problems. He has a red inflamed throat, some white bumps appearing at the back of his throat, breathing problems, cognitive problems, and is passing out for an hour at a time just recently. I fear he is getting worse and he has no insurance to pay for the biopsies he needs of the white bumps that are appearing in his throat and never going away.

I am so sorry this was long, but I wanted to answer all your questions and to tell someone who for once seems interested in listening to us. My friend is very actively contacting the Governor, Lt Governor, the State DA and many others as he gets run in circles from one to the other being told not our department; try this number! He has had doctors here blatantly tell him that they don’t see anything and has he had any mental treatment, and then blatantly tell him that they would not say anything against BP! We cannot find doctors here to do the VOC test and had to make a 5 hour round trip to get one done and that doctor saw and showed ME what was in the back of my friend’s throat.

Thank you, and I hope this helps others.

I have not been able to find any data to indicate that anyone is testing the private water supply wells in the Gulf region. If BP’s toxic waste, residual and organic, used boom, discarded hazmat gear and materials and runoff waste have been buried without consideration to ground and water contamination, and this is now impacting water supply wells, there is a greater risk that more people will be made ill, even if it was their intent, as clearly demonstrated by Charles and John, to stay clear of the oil, and utilize reverse osmosis (which will not, without proper and very expensive carbon filtration additions, protect against these VOC’s in water) and utilize toxic cleansing techniques, avoidance of contamination is nearly impossible.

Even showering in water that contains contamination is detrimental to health, as it actually intensifies exposure by inhalation of water vapors with contaminate through steam, and absorption through the skin while showering.

WHO and WHICH governmental body is charged with the responsibility of informing residents WHERE BP has buried their toxins, and WHO and WHICH agency has taken the precautions to ENSURE that these contaminates were buried in accordance to standards acceptable to prevent the spread of contamination through the ground, water and air???

IMMEDIATE attention MUST be given to these “Toxic Waste Sites” which need to be immediately remediated if they do NOT meet the current standards applicable through the laws of EACH of the impact states, as well as those by the EPA, who’s federal laws supersede state and local laws in circumstances such as this.

Charles and John are sharing their story and their test results below to not only get the medical help they deserve, but to bring attention to the fact that many people are ill, and NOTHING is being done to assist, inform, or control what is happening to the entire Gulf Region. John lives not far from the landfill on Menge Ave or Firetower Rd just north of I-10 in Pass Christian, MS and Charles lives a half mile from the beach in Bay Saint Louis, MS.

Please share this with all media sources in your area, and email this text and these images to your local, state and federal representatives. We must correct the protracted malfeasance that seems to accompany most of the scenarios attached to this disaster. Public awareness and exposure to date is the only mechanism that seems to be effective – WHEN THEY LISTEN.

MAKE THEM LISTEN. Accept nothing less than the responsibility for which they are charged to uphold – BY LAW.

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